Back-To-School Again

In honor of another back-to-school day where I feel torn between jubilation and anxiety, I’m reposting what I wrote last year at this time.

“The kids went back to school today. I started freaking out about it Friday and proceeded to organize everything in my house, like it would somehow protect them from bullies, mean teachers, yucky food, and head lice.  If everything was in just the right spot, what could go wrong? (I realize this is nuts.  Thanks.)”

I was sick Thursday and Friday and in the ER Saturday so I didn’t actually start organizing until Sunday.

“I think I did pretty good at hiding my back-to-school and sending-my-baby-to-Pre-K anxiety from the children. I was all hearts and flowers and “It will be SO MUCH FUN! Aren’t you EXCITED?!” But inside I was like “Waaaaa! My babies.””

This year I have a kindergartener, a sixth grader, and a junior.  Oh. My. God.

“I’m not alone in this.  My husband has called me three times this morning, the last time to ask if he “should just go take a peek and see how she’s doing.”  No.  That’s frowned upon.  I know my limits, so I’m just staying away from that school. If any of the three kids even wrinkled a nose at me, I’d have ‘em packed in the car and the homeschool books ordered.”

My husband is generally very calm and he is still calm today, but he is very worried about the bus situation. The bus situation consists of our kids riding the bus. Shut up, it’s a situation.

“I see the pros of school.  Interacting with peers, learning to follow rules, getting along with others, learning how to deal with assholes – these are all things children need to know.  But not every kid is a yellow #2 pencil.  I don’t want my purple-striped, glitter-covered, shiny-polka-dotted, maybe-chewed-a-little-bit pencils sharpened down until they match all the others.”

This. *sigh*


About Steph

I like words. I suspect I would like sanity, but I really have no way of knowing. I can be reasonable, but not often. View all posts by Steph

22 responses to “Back-To-School Again

  • Twindaddy

    I have a couple of years left before C goes to school. I also had a mini freak out about the twins going back to school, but that’s simply because it’s high school and because my babies are growing up.


  • Jana Miller || One Design a Day

    “I don’t want my purple-striped, glitter-covered, shiny-polka-dotted, maybe-chewed-a-little-bit pencils sharpened down until they match all the others.”

    This is why I homeschooled for a couple years. (2nd and 4th -junior high). Not saying it’s for everyone but we had fun! And somehow I didn’t ruin them. haha


    • Steph

      I homeschooled for a couple years too! It was a lot of fun. I don’t know if I could do it now, but it was neat. You don’t realize how much you are missing out on until you teach them yourself for a bit.


  • Michelle

    My baby is a junior this year…it just never gets easier, does it? He starts on Thursday..I suspect the days are going to rocket forward from Thursday on..


    • Steph

      I don’t know why we worry so much…my kids were all pretty nonchalant this morning, but I couldn’t sleep last night. Oh well, I suppose we’ll all survive, right? (That’s the anxiety meds talking.)


  • qwertygirl

    Yep, I feel ya sista. I’m not looking forward to homework starting, but I’m having a panic attack about the rest of it. My youngest three are together on the bus, and they had an AWESOME driver last year that we hope we get again. My oldest is alone on his bus, but he does have some friends from the neighborhood, so that part doesn’t bother me, but I’m tied up in knots about everything else.


  • Sarah (est. 1975)

    I could Not. Be. Happier. about my son going back to school. Less than 48 hours and counting. Maybe I’m not cracked up to be a parent?? LOL.


    • Steph

      Bahahaha! Now that my first day jitters have passed I’m already planning my nap for tomorrow. Also catching up on True Blood and other shows inappropriate for 5 year olds. Annnnd, they are all already asleep and it’s barely 8 pm. Winning!


      • Sarah (est. 1975)

        Ugh. It’s 9 o’clock and my son is still all “BWEEEEeee!”

        “I’m already planning my nap for tomorrow” – you and I think alike, sister.


  • msmonsterful

    My oldest is a junior this year. There is already talk about SATs and college applications. *sob*


  • AmberLynn Pappas

    I too have a couple of years (or maybe only one year) left until my oldest starts school. I have very mixed emotions now about him going off to school, but most of them are about him having everything he could want to learn at his fingertips vs being mashed into a standard curriculum that might hold him back. NC schools are not known for being great and that is what really scares me!


  • sage


    “I see the pros of school. Interacting with peers, learning to follow rules, getting along with others, learning how to deal with assholes – these are all things children need to know. But not every kid is a yellow #2 pencil. I don’t want my purple-striped, glitter-covered, shiny-polka-dotted, maybe-chewed-a-little-bit pencils sharpened down until they match all the others.”

    I worry constantly aboot mean kids & bullies & everything else. adam said it happens to all kids… Noooooo… not my kids 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Steph

      I guess it probably does, in some ways. Having home schooled for a couple years, it’s hard to see them feel like they have to conform to what the school says is “the right way.”


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